Start making IoT based product:

Internet is the virtual world where users are interested in accessing,editing and controlling data.Everyone is eyeing the next big thing in the internet.Now days market booming with the IoT. Internet of Things is the extended form of internet. Real world is connected through virtual world. In an era of electronics based civilization there is always a demand for more better,cheaper and faster electronics devices. These are the key points for the IoT based products development. Main feature of IoT based product is to give remote access of device to the user. Even device which is controllable from Bluetooth is also a IoT device. The end to end form of IoT make that device controllable from any corner of the world.

How to step in IoT market ?

Product design Flow:
Design and Specification finalization:
The very first step in product development is to define aspects and specification of product which can not be change through the end of production. If their is any changes in product it can only reflect in phase 2 or version 2 of product.
 Ex. I am thinking of designing box which having WiFi connectivity and control home equipment from any where in world. 

*device for consumer application
*costing of product manufacturing and selling
*small box,nice color,LED indications,proper terminals for external connections, having 5v power supply
*WiFi connectivity
*controls 3 equipment. you can make variant of same device based of capacity of handling equipment.

Prototyping and Development phase:

*Hardware : 
Hardware is directly related with costing of product. Its very necessary to choose proper hardware that can satisfy device working needs. Its wast of money to choose higher end processors and Industrial grade hard ware because we are developing Consumer Electronics device.

*Software :
For reducing development cost here we have to choose mostly free ware development tools and compilers mostly GCC considering GNU licenses or IDE like Arduino is ok.
need to read some of the license documents like if you use Arduino in product development.

doing some market survey I choose cheap WiFi module ESP8266 which can work with Node MCU. It reduce my need of any other micro controller to be used. And ESP8266 can program easily with free tool provided my manufacturer.

Validation Phase:
This is step after product design cycle. Design that was finalized in the lab for testing, to ensure that all products specifications are met. Required certification should be obtained for product, depending on where it is going to be launch.

Validation :
depends on your region like here in India we have to certify our products with ISI mark.

Production phase:
Its time to turn your prototype into product. In this phase we have to introduce some third party suppliers for manufacturing PCB,Component soldering,device housing and packing. following points should be considering while allocating third part suppliers.
*go with reliable vendors.
*make proper agreements and  legal documents.
*consider Time to Market then negotiate with vendors.
*before giving direct order demand for samples.
*consider cost of manufacturing.

Sales and marketing:
Without knowing you no one is going to buy your product here marketing helps you. reach to your customer and market your product.
*Online marketing is easy way to reach customers.
*Make proper website with product descriptions.
*Sell on online websites like amezon and ebay.


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